It is rich in urease enzyme which is recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular disorder. Due to urease enzyme it is used as a diuretic, stomachic, antitussive and as a vermifuge.
Musk melon seeds are beneficial in chronic or acute eczema.
They are believed to help in regulating healthy blood-fat levels and provide vital nutrients essential for promoting wound healing.
Per 100 g of musk melon seeds contain 28.6 g protain, 49.7 g fat, 13.0 g carbohydrate and 4.8 g ash.
These seeds are rich sources of thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, magnisium, potassium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.
Milk extract of musk melon seeds contain 3.6% protein, 4.0% fat and 2.5% carbohydrates. these values are similar as soymilk.
Defatted flour of melon seeds (after extraction of milk) contain 39.4% protein, 24.7% fibre and 6.2% ash.
Hence, replenish your diet with either musk melon seeds, extract or flour and take enormous benefits of musk melon seeds.